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My experience with Super Game Boy


First off, Super Game Boy is a compatibility device that allows Game Boy games to be played on a SNES. The device is shaped like a Super Nintendo game cartridge, so you just plug it into the SNES as usual. However, the Super Game Boy device contains a slot for docking Game Boy games. Switching on the SNES console yields a special splash screen, and then boots the Game Boy game as if you were playing on a portable Game Boy.

This platform is legitimate. I haven’t found a game incompatible with the Super Game Boy. I even tried the Game Boy Camera, which is about as funky as Game Boy games get. A comprehensive list of Super Game Boy games can be found at

The device and the Super Nintendo itself are a bit touchy. You’ve got to slide the baby Game Boy game into the Super Game Boy so there is a snug fit. Then, you slide the big cartridge into your Super Nintendo, also ensuring a snug fit. If everything is wired up correctly, you should be ready to rock and roll.

The Super Game Boy (US version) from Nintendo,...

It really feels awesome to be playing these vintage games on a big screen. It makes video games social, and I think that video games are the most fun when they are social. That’s why Rock Band and Guitar Hero are tons of fun, or at least why I enjoy them. Well, I restarted a game of Pokemon Blue, so I’m a little hooked. Grab some coffee, maybe a bagel, and plop down in front of Kevin’s 720p video projector. Heck yes.

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