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why I love the Tor Browser Bundle


I use Tor for many reasons, but I’ll outline some big reasons here. For pretty much any site I log in to, or identify myself, I like to use Tor. That way, instead of learning my identity and my location, they get my identity only: no location. They only see that I am coming from the Tor network.

So, why is location anonymity important? Well, it’s pretty safe to assume that the website is collecting everything you do. Facebook, Google, Twitter, Tumblr, fill in the blank. The sites themselves have an incentive to track us. And, whether you like it or not, the ISPs are watching. Yes, my friends, the World Wide Web is not as private as you thought. Not sure why it ever slipped away from my consciousness to think that the web was private, but there you go. It’s a town square, and all someone has to do is set up microphones and cameras everywhere.

So Tor is a great way for me to avoid this passive surveillance that permeates our society. Orbot is a great choice for Android. I’m not knowledgeable about options for iPhone, regular cell phones, Blackberry, and others. Cell phones are another story. If you’re not going to trust a large bearded man speaking in front of a crowd of hackers, then who are you going to trust? Exactly. Trust the large bearded man.

The Tor Browser Bundle is cross-platform, working on Windows, Apple’s OSX, Ubuntu, and other GNU/Linux, BSD, and Unix operating systems. The Tor Browser Bundle makes it point-and-click simple to obscure your IP address and web traffic from the government/NSA and your Internet Service Provider. If you’re picking up what I’m laying down, then start reading at

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