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Video cable for Motorola DROID X


edit: in the abstract, digital video is quite sophisticated. You can read more at the Wikipedia page,

Hey, team. Just wanted to report that I bought the wrong fucking video cable. I wanted to use an HDMI cable to get the video out signal on my DROID X. Unfortunately, I purchased this cable, called HDMI mini to HDMI

when what I needed was the following cable, which is called HDMI Micro (Type D) to HDMI (Type A)

Fuck. By the way, hunt around on Google Shopping or on Amazon for cheaper prices. Best Buy, Motorola, and Verizon will gauge you for cables. The suggested retail price is $40, I’m paying $5 for this cable.

Peace, Nate

edit: Oh, I thought of something else. By default, the micro-HDMI video out on your Droid X will only give you user-generated content. That is to say, you can share your photos and videos on a big screen. If you want to send video in general, you’re gonna have to check out the Real HDMI app in the Android Market.

edit: Awesome, got my fucking cable! It’s the “HDMI Micro (Type D) to HDMI (Type A)” video cable. You need the super tiny “micro” connector to stick into the DROID X. I displayed my pictures and video to my computer monitor. So, I’ve verified official functionality. Functionality of Real HDMI remains to be seen. It must work alright, or else the guy wouldn’t still be developing it, after 6 months. Here is a link to his website.

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