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Opposing the Senate’s PROTECT-IP Act


PROTECT IP Act Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.

From: “Fight For The Future” <>
To: “Nate Shiff”
Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2011 9:33:34 PM
Subject: Hustle

Have you woken up from your food coma yet?  We don’t have any time to waste.

Sources tell us that Senate leadership could call for a vote on the Internet censorship bill as early as this week, which is why we’re trying to line up as many people as possible to call the Senate on Tuesday.

Ten thousand people have signed up so far, which is awesome.  But our goal is to absolutely flood Senators’ phone lines, and that’ll take about 50k calls.

Will you click here to join in, by committing to call your Senator and helping us reach our goal?

Those hundreds of thousands of emails we sent helped scare away a lot of support for the Stop Online Piracy Act — the House’s version of the censorship bill.  But the Senate version has been around much longer, and has a stronger core of people advocating for it.

When Hollywood, drug companies, and the Chamber of Commerce come calling, most Senators see dollar signs:  More than 30 of them have already said they back the legislation.

That’s why we need to redouble our efforts, steer as many calls as possible into the Senate on Tuesday, and scare off some of the Senators who say they’re likely to support this thing.

Please click here to sign up, and then help us get others signed up to make calls too, so we can reach our goal of 50k phone calls.

While you’re killing time on the internet this weekend, remember that some of your favorite sites might not be there anymore in a few weeks if we don’t win our fight against this terrible legislation.

Holmes Wilson
Fight for the Future /

P.S. Senator Wyden will fillibuster the censorship bill in the Senate, if it comes to that.  Sign this petition from our friends at Demand Progress and Sen. Wyden will read from this list during his fillibuster:

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