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Change or update payment info in Android Market


For step-by-step instructions, take a look at Changing payment information – Android Market for Developer Help. My post is intended as an anecdote describing what I discovered about Android Market and Google Checkout. Perhaps when another individual searches the web, their thought process will be like mine, and a search will lead them to this blog, where the individual finds what they need.

I have a Motorola Droid X. When I use my Google account to sign into the Android Market, I have a debit card number saved so that I can purchase apps. This is a convenient and easy arrangement. What I wanted to do was add my PayPal information so that I wouldn’t have to keep a debit card number in my phone.

Well, through a bit of research and a visit to, I discovered that “Google Checkout,” Google’s version of PayPal, is the only form of payment accepted in Android Market. So, paying for apps with PayPal is not going to work. Once you have your credit card info stored in your Google Checkout account, you can easily make purchases from any vendor accepting Google Checkout, such as the Android Market.

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